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These rules & the Design Notes form parts of the conditions of entry.
  1. Anyone who takes it too seriously will be disqualified!

  2. Contestants must complete an application form and enter at their own risk.

  3. Carts must be capable of being steered (you know this makes sense)! The steering mechanism or other movable parts must not create a crush or trap hazard*.

  4. WORKING brakes are required (another really good idea).

  5. Metal, wood, plastic and cardboard (for bodywork?) are all allowed, but any sharp edges must be covered with foam / corrugated card.

  6. Carts must be smaller than 1.8m long and 0.9m wide. (old people sometimes know this as a bit less than 6 feet by 3 feet).

  7. Carts must have at least three weight carrying wheels, each at least 25cm in diameter (I suppose old people need their number too, that's 10 inches or thereabouts.)

  8. Wheels and steering components must remain secure, the use of split pins, castle or nyloc nuts may be required, see design notes.

  9. Carts should be light weight, maximum allowable 40kg**, but they must also be strong enough to cope with Ovington's highest quality pot holes. You will need some ground clearance!

  10. During the race, drivers must remain seated with feet forward and the seat securely attached to the cart.

  11. The competition is open to all, but children must be under the supervision of a responsible adult. Carts will be subjected to scrutiny for suitability to take part, before being allowed to practice or compete.

  12. Driver clothing, required as a minimum:
    Cycle helmet with chin strap, sturdy shoes/boots, long sleeves and long trousers, gloves. Drivers of open carts must also have knee & elbow pads.

    Driver clothing, recommended:
    Full crash helmet, overalls, knee & elbow pads.

  13. The Jeopardy Clause.
    The cart awarded 'winner' must be dismantled all the parts recycled!
* Classic pivot-pin steering is not allowed.
** If your cart is anywhere near the maximum weight the Judges will dock 'design' points!

The rules may be changed at short notice in the interest of maintaining safety at this event.